Changelog: 0.1.1A - 0.1.1C
0.1.1C - 20th January 2020
- Temporarily removed the Tardis exterior gravity feature
Bug fixes/Enhancement
Various client and server crashes and bugs fixed
0.1.1B - 28th October 2019
- Spacesuit
- Ruby
- Ruby ore
- Marker
- Fob watch
- Monitor Protocol: Stealth mode
- Tardis Manual GUI (Users will be able to more easily understand the usage of the manual, which is to reveal console control names)
- Tractor beam - pulls entities upwards or downwards depending on setting
- Dalek Spaceship Hull block and slab
- Tardis Items Creative Tab icon now rotates its 3D model passively
Bug Fixes/Enhancement
- Player was able to use /tardis exterior and /tardis interior commands during flight but Tardis would still be in flight
- Fixed being able to ride a TARDIS without being inside
- Creative tab Tardis model not rendering doors
- Spacesuit performance issues (removed item entirely)
- Rendering fixes to BOTI
- Fixed desync between worlds
- Water showing no texture when viewed from the interior
- Player not being sucked out of the interior during flight if doors are left open
- Tardis exterior duping when crashing
- Added Dalek Tractor beam + Dalek Ship Hull blocks
- Fixed BOTI having issues if the model checks sides (If you still crash make sure BOTI > checkSides=false)
0.1.1A - 13th August 2019
- Vortex Manipulator
- Real World Flight
- Food machine can now produce bread in rift chunks in other dimensions
- Tardis toolkit now takes durability damage when used
- Tardis hum sound now at lower volume
- Tardis now automatically dematerialisation if Thermocouplings are repaired
Bug Fixes/Enhancement
- Tardis coral stages now actually show growth stage
- Significant BOTI performance improvements
- BOTI now displays rotations correctly for stairs and fences
- Invasion Cybermen now has correct model
- Being unable to turn the player's head when riding Bessie
- Fix for OTG incompatibility
- Added null checks to hellbent monitor
- Fixed client crash when adjusting Tardis hum