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216 total results found

Getting Started

The basic things to know to use the TARDIS

Tardis Monitor-1.12

Deprecated Features Tardis Creation, Operation and Maintanence

Figure 1 - Hell Bent Tardis Monitor The Tardis Monitor is a block that displays information about the user's Tardis. It is also used to activate a variety of Tardis protocols along with providing maintenance access to the user's Tardis. The...

Unlockable Content


Mod content gained via completing ingame tasks


Deprecated Features

Blocks that were in the 1.14 versions of the mod but are no longer present in the latest versions


World Gen Features

Smaller, simpler world generation objects


World Gen Features

Larger, more complex world generation objects. These objects can usually be located with the /locate command.


Mini Missions

List of available Missions



Information about customising the mod for personal styles or modpacks.

Tardis Commands-1.12

Deprecated Features

To make life easier for users in creative or to help server administrators, the mod includes some commands as shown below. /tardis grow Once the TARDIS Coral is placed, you can make it grow instantly. To use this command, point the crosshairs at the Tardis C...



The 1.19+ wiki is under construction, this wiki is currently only applicable to the 1.16.5 versions Both 1.12 and 1.14 Versions of the mod are now deprecated. To view its archived information, please click here: Deprecated Features Welcome to the New Tardi...



Below are links to the team social media and repositories. Team YouTube : Source 1.14.4+ Source Source 1.14.4: 1.12.2 Source Source 1.12.2: https:/...

Meet the team!


Lilith: Hey, I'm Lilith, I'm the main programmer and owner of the TARDIS Mod. I pretty much handle most of the code / final decisions. Suff: Hey! I'm Suff! I work on the Regeneration and Weeping Angels Mod.I'm slightly insane and am pretty much tired 24/7, I ...

Tardis Console Controls-1.12

Deprecated Features Tardis Creation, Operation and Maintanence

This page is a reference for the function, location and operation of the Tardis console controls.To view the function and usage of any control, use the headers on the left hand panel.To view a control's location on a certain Tardis console unit, see the below ...


Tardis Console Controls - Archived Features

Deprecated Features Removed Features

Below are Tardis console control mechanics and functions that have been removed from the latest version of the mod. Real World Flight Control Figure 1 - Real World Flight Control About: This allows the user to control the Tardis as if they were in ...


Deprecated Features

Vehicles added in the 1.12.2 versions of the mod.

Minecraft Version

Rift Chunk-1.12

Deprecated Features

  This feature has been deprecated. You may be looking for Rift Chunks (1.16) Rift Chunks are a unique type of chunk that can generate in any dimension. Properties Rifts greatly increase the refueling rate of the TARDIS, as well a cutting the time to gro...


Deprecated Features Removed Features

This feature has been removed from the 1.12 versions of the mod Symbiotic Nuclei is an item that grants the player with 12 regenerations in a life. Rather than dying, the player will be granted several temporary effects including nausea and a small health bo...

Creating your Tardis

Deprecated Features Tardis Creation, Operation and Maintanence

Figure 1 - Tardis Coral As of 0.0.8A, players are required to grow their own Tardis to create it. This is done by crafting a Tardis coral and Sub-system components. Stage 1 - Growing the Tardis Coral To grow the Tardis, place down the Ta...

Tardis Maintanence

Deprecated Features Tardis Creation, Operation and Maintanence

Sub-System Components Tardis sub-system components require maintanence by the owner in order to maintain the Tardis' operational status. This can be done using a Steady-State Microwelding station, a piece of Time Lord technology used to repair individual T...

Steady State Microwelding Station

Deprecated Features Blocks-1.12

Figure 1 - Steady State Microwelding Station The Steady State Microwelding Station is a block that allows players to repair individual Tardis components. This block is exclusive to the 1.12 versions. Crafting Recipe Name Ingredien...


Tardis Flight Operations-1.12

Deprecated Features Tardis Creation, Operation and Maintanence

Tardis Flight allows the Tardis to travel through different dimensions and cross large distances. There are several ways to fly the Tardis and many options to control its abilities. However there are also some limitations and dangers as well. Understanding ...

Tardis Toolkit

Deprecated Features Items-1.12

Figure 1 - Tardis Toolkit The Tardis Toolkit is an item that allows players to repair all Tardis Sub-system components by 15% per use. This is achieved by right clicking on the console. The item has unlimited uses As of 0.0.8A, the toolkit is not cr...

Sonic Screwdriver

Deprecated Features Items-1.12

The Sonic Screwdriver is a tool that has a versatile range of functions. There are many variants of the sonic screwdriver, but each variant have the same functions.   Crafting Recipe 1.12.2 Name Ingredients Recipe Sonic Screwdriver 1 x Diamond...

Exotronic Circuit


Exotronic Circuit are an crafting item essential to create a variety of other items. Uses Crafting This item can be used to craft a variety of items, such as  Quantiscope Pocket Watch Dematerialisation Circuit Chameleon Circuit Fluid Links ...

Tardis Sub-Systems-1.12

Deprecated Features Tardis Creation, Operation and Maintanence

A Tardis Sub-system is a set of processes that control a function within the Tardis. A Sub-system Component is an item that allows for a sub-system to function when installed into the Tardis console. Types of Sub-systems and their Functions The following ta...

Artron Capacitor

Deprecated Features Items-1.12

An Artron Capacitor is an item used as a crafting component in Tardis sub-system components and previously provided artron energy to the Tardis. Crafting Recipe   Name Ingredients Recipe Artron Capacitor 1 x Exotronic Circuit 1 x Redstone Bl...


Deprecated Features Items-1.12

Figure 1 - Biodampener The Biodampener is an item that prevents a player from being teleported to via a Tardis' Telepathic Circuit.  Crafting Recipe Name Ingredients Recipe Biodampener 1 x Artron Capacitor 1 x Exotronic Ciruit 7 x Gold...

Datapack Content


Learn how to add custom content to the mod via Minecraft Datapacks!

Getting Started


A set of articles detailing the obtaining of a Tardis and guides on how to operate and maintain it properly.

Minecraft Version



Various guides for both new and existing mod users

Archived Features

Outdated or removed features of the Tardis Mod.


Additional Mods


All about commands


Welcome to the Tardis Mod Wiki!

Deprecated Features

Features from the mod that have been removed or are no longer receiving updates


Information about the mod that don't fit the other categories



Information on various blocks added in the mod



Wiki Utils

Tools and utilities for use in constructing wiki content


Custom dimensions added by the mod

Removed Features

Deprecated Features

World Gen Features

Information about generated features and structures added by the mod.

Mini Missions

Documentation about the Tardis Mod's playable scripted missions.


Wiki Utils

Sample page structures for use in creating wiki pages

Tardis Creation, Operation and Maintanence

Deprecated Features

Information about creating Tardises, their operation processes and maintanence requirements.

Minecraft Version

About the Tardis


An overview of the Tardis, from features to technical implementation


Style Guide

Wiki Utils

A set of guidelines used by the wiki in the writing of its articles



A list of changes made to the mod


Deprecated Features

Blocks added in the 1.12.2 versions of the mod

Minecraft Version


Deprecated Features

Items added to the 1.12 versions of the mod.

Minecraft Version


Deprecated Features

Minecraft Version


Deprecated Features

Custom dimensions added to the 1.12.2 versions of the mod

Minecraft Version


Deprecated Features

Clothing items added to the 1.12 versions of the mod

Minecraft Version

Mod Compatibilities


Compatibilities The Tardis Mod has added specific logic to be compatible with the following types of mods: Just Enough Items Recipe Mod We have added compatibility with JEI to allow you to see our custom recipes! Custom Dimensions The Tardis tim...