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Item Access Panel


The Item Access Panel is a block that allows for the transferring of items within the Tardis interior dimension, or piping items between the Tardis exterior and interior.

Crafting Recipe

Name Ingredients Recipe
Item Access Panel
  • 1x Chest
  • 2 x Exotronic Circuit
  • 1 x Hopper
  • 1 x Redstone




The Item Access Panel is like an Ender Chest that connects to a Tardis interior dimension's internal Item Buffer.

This buffer can store up to 9 stacks (9x64) of items which can be transferred around the Tardis.

  • Transferring items wirelessly within Tardis interior dimension.
  • Transferring items from Tardis exterior to Tardis interior.
  • Transferring items from Tardis interior to Tardis exterior.


Transfer items within Tardis Interior

  1. Place down an Item Access Panel inside the Tardis interior. This is our input site.
  2. Place down a second Item Access Panel elsewhere inside the Tardis interior. This is our output site.
  3. Place a hopper or similar item transfer capable block next to the input site.
  4. Insert items into the hopper/similar item transfer capable block.
  5. Place a hopper or similar block beneath the output site.
  6. See that items are being added to the hopper beneath the output site.

Transfer items from Tardis Interior to Tardis Exterior 

  1. Place down an Item Access Panel inside the Tardis interior. This is our input site.
  2. Place an item piping block on the Tardis Exterior block. This is our output site.
    1. This can be a "pipe" or similar blocks from other mods.
  3. Place a hopper or similar item transfer capable block next to or above the Item Access Panel inside the Tardis.
  4. Insert items into the hopper/similar item transfer capable block.
  5. See that items are being added to the item piping block at the Tardis Exterior.

Transfer items from Tardis Exterior to Tardis Interior

  1. Place an item piping block on the Tardis Exterior block. This is our input site.
  2. Place down an Item Access Panel inside the Tardis interior. This is our output site.
    1. This can be a "pipe" or similar blocks from other mods.
  3. Place a hopper or similar item transfer capable block beneath the Item Access Panel inside the Tardis.
  4. Insert items into the hopper/similar item transfer capable block at the Tardis Exterior input site.
  5. See that items are being added to the item piping block below the Item Access Panel inside the Tardis.