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ARS Structure Blocks

The ARS Structure Blocks are two blocks used in the creation and deletion of rooms in the Tardis.

The Corridor Spawn is used for creating rooms

The Corridor Kill is used for deleting Rooms


Corridor Spawn

Corridor Spawn

This block allows for rooms to be created when a player uses an ARS Tablet on it. The room will be created in the direction the player's current facing.

The rooms will be created 1 block behind the Corridor Spawn block. Ensure there are no blocks behind this block, or the room won't be generated due to it detecting a conflict.

This block cannot be obtained normally. It is only present within rooms generated by the ARS Tablet.

Corridor Kill

Corridor Kill block

This block holds information about the room this block is located in. For example, width, length, height

This block cannot be obtained normally. It is only present within rooms generated by the ARS Tablet


Do not break the Corridor Kill block. If you do, the data about the room's dimensions will be lost and you can no longer delete the room with the ARS Tablet.