[Name of block in Title]
- Name of block - in bold
- Type of feature: Block/Item/Clothing/Mob/Vehicle/Control/Tardis-related/Miscellaneous
- Image of block - put in table with annotations if block looks similar to another block
- Seperate information into Headings
- Main headings style: Medium Heading with Bold
- Sub-headings style: Small or Tiny Heading/ Bold Paragraph style
Sample Headings
Crafting Recipe/ Acquisition
- Crafting recipe: Method to craft the block in survival gamemode
Acquisition: Method to obtain the block if not available in survival mode/ has a special process.
- E.g. Tardis Key can given by a mature Tardis, therefore Crafting recipe alone is not applicable
- Describe
- Details on what the block does
- Information on how to use the block
- E.g. The block alllows you to repair items, then explain how to operate it
- Section for interesting information or extra information that detracts from the conciseness of the main article
- Is part of main article, so no need to seperate with horizontal line
- A seperate secluded section to insert relevant media for the block, for when images in main post cannot explain the block well enough
- Is seperate from main article
- Use horizontal line above the "Gallery" heading to seperate it from the main article
[WIP] Version History
- Section to document changes to the block. Still WIP